7 Reasons Why You Should Still Use A Travel Management Company
Posted by Mike Atherton on 01 March, 2016
Online research and booking is easy, convenient and quick, so why should you choose a TMC to manage your travel needs?
A TMC offers expertise, understanding and an enhanced ability to navigate travel risk management. They can help you get the most from your business travel in the following ways:
1. Accountability
A TMC’s expertise is on the line with every booking. Modern travel procurement methods means everything is measurable and accountable, even at an individual booking level.
2. Knowledge
Travel consultants who have been have been doing the job for years have a deep understanding of the industry. If you need to make a really important business trip or you are going somewhere for the first time, then you will benefit hugely from speaking to a professional and expert.
3. Value for money
Business travel can be expensive; travellers need to be prepared and have everything organised in advance so they can focus on the business in hand.
A managed travel programme will balance the best value against the business objectives of the client, which means the traveller gets the right travel plan, convenient document delivery and support during their trip.
4. Proper Itinerary Management
“Winging it” is not an option. Having a clear itinerary, available to the traveller and travel booker is a vital part of trip planning. Clear, concise documents, and mobile itinerary apps that keep everyone updated with real time alerts are the norm. A good TMC will be able to provide this to all their travellers. Should things go wrong and a trip be disrupted, knowing the traveller’s whereabouts is key to providing them with the support they need.
5. Compliance
A TMC will have all your policy rules in one place and be able to advise the traveller how they can meet their business travel requirements while staying within their company’s policy. When this is not possible given the business objectives of the trip, they will provide clear reasons and help you explore your options.
6. Time and Personnel Resources
It may seem that searching online will always give a better price, but what is this research time costing the business?
When you dig into the time taken to sift through flights and accommodation, compare deals, then make sure an online quote actually meets all specifications and conforms to all company policy rules, the price begins to look an awful lot larger.
7. Leverage
Missed out on the last room at a hotel you really want? Need to add a last minute addition to a trip but all hotels nearby are booked out? No problem – TMCs spend years developing long-term relationships, and travel companies understand how important their repeat business is.
TMC’s have leverage with most hotel companies and resorts, and they are far more likely to get what they want than a single consumer.
In short, if you're not working with the right TMC, you are missing out on a chance to save time and stress – and, of course, money too.
If you are interested in discovering more about the future of business travel and travel risk in 2016, then download our Q&A with iJET's John Rose.