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New Download: The Benefits of Travel Risk Data Consolidation for Corporate Travel Departments


A corporate travel department (CTD) wears many hats. From controlling employee spending across local, regional, and international locations, to negotiating the best corporate rates for bookings across hotels and airlines – there are many parameters that you must moderate. 

However, while monitoring corporate travel costs and ensuring a smooth business trip are key priorities for any CTD, at the heart of effective business travel management is employee safety.

Free Whitepaper: Discover the benefits of travel risk data consolidation for  corporate travel departments.

Risk Management and Corporate Business Travel 

Travel risk management and proactively identifying risk before it can disrupt your travelers is a key component of maintaining duty of care and corporate social responsibilities across your business, no matter where in the world employees are. To do this, corporate travel departments require access to high-quality, trusted data that can be relied upon in critical situations. 

Receiving, processing, and acting on travel risk data isn't always as streamlined as many corporate travel departments want it to be. In a critical situation, Travel Managers or Security Teams need unified risk data from anywhere in the world, fast. 

However, the territory of monitoring global business travel comes with it's own unique problems. When travel risk data is obtained from lots of separate sources, in different formats – and in some cases from unreliable travel management companies (TMCs) – it's more difficult to safeguard your travelers. And, many well-known travel risk management platforms, while handy extensions of other travel management apps, aren't built with the risk management expertise that's needed to provide accurate and globally-reaching security. 

Your business needs a method of consolidating data that lets you quickly find or receive vital information, without the need to sync or connect information between separate systems.

Data Consolidation for Business Travel Risk Management

Our newest whitepaper, 'The Benefits of Travel Risk Data Consolidation for Corporate Travel Departments', explores the improvements data consolidation can bring to a CTD. We highlight the key challenges it can help Travel Manager and Security Teams alike overcome, the opportunities it presents to finally unify your data, and much more. Including the following:

  • What is data consolidation and how does it improve business travel risk management?
  • An outline of the data management challenges currently facing corporate travel departments
  • The importance of vetted and globally-recognized travel risk data and how to obtain it
  • The key drivers of data consolidation in the travel management industry
  • How data consolidation can safeguard business travelers, reduce costs for corporate travel departments, and improve efficiency of business processes
  • The methods of achieving data consolidation and travel risk alert automation in your corporate travel department

Discover How To Consolidate Your Business Travel Risk Data in Our Free Whitepaper

Our whitepaper includes in-depth insights into travel risk management and the methods you can implement to consolidate your travel risk data. To begin reading the whitepaper, download your copy here

How to Consolidate Your Travel Risk Data with One Platform

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How to Consolidate Your Travel Risk Data with One Platform


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