New eBook: The Future of Business Travel – Insight from Industry Experts
Posted by Mike Atherton on 16 August, 2017
Our new eBook shares insights from leading industry figures from bta first, Clarity, Capita Travel and Events and Traveleads, on recent developments in travel management, and how the business travel industry will change in the future. Business travel is a rapidly evolving industry - it's essential that travel industry leaders understand the key areas for strategy development and transformation.
It seems like every day there is a new technology or innovation that promises to change the face of the industry; from the rise of AI to the move to mobile. It is easy to see how TMC leaders can feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future.
However, business travel providers everywhere must look to the future to understand what to expect from travel management moving forward. The modern-day TMC must be prepared to evolve and grow in order to survive in this rapidly-changing industry.
Our industry experts include:
- Robert Berger, Chief Information Officer, bta first
- Pat McDonagh, Chief Executive Officer, Clarity
- Paul Saggar, Chief Information Officer, Capita Travel and Events
- Gary McLeod, Joint Managing Director, Traveleads
What's Inside?
Each expert provides insight on the following topics:
- Technological Transformation
- Corporate Travel Innovation
- Traveller Experience Evolution
- Market Disruption
- TMC Evolution
- Traveller Behaviour Transformation
- Duty of Care and Risk Management
Together, their answers shed light on some of the most challenging issues facing business travellers, their organisations, and the sector that supports them.
For example, in the 'Technological Transformation' section we asked the experts, "What technology has changed the way you serve your clients most over the last few years?"
Pat McDonagh discusses the benefits of moving simple bookings online.
"Clients are hugely focused on reducing the cost of servicing, and moving simple bookings online is a great way to do that. There’s been a marked change in attitude from online being a booker choice to it being strongly mandated."
Gary McLeod reviews online booking channels and the 'normalisation' of mobile technology.
The proliferation of multiple online booking channels, combined with the availability and “normalisation” of mobile technology has very much influenced how we are able to present service and delivery options both at a corporate and traveller level.
The response from our experts showed the importance of embracing the increased drive for online adoption. Travellers are increasingly using online channels to plan, book and manage their business trips. As mobile technology improves, there is a growing trend of trips being booked solely on smartphones - already 28% of business travellers book their trip using their phone exclusively.
This eBook contains a wide range of views and thoughts about the future of the travel industry. With so much innovation, geopolitical instability and threats to travellers, TMCs must be constantly adapting and evolving to best serve their customers.
Embracing new challenges and opportunities in areas such as AI, personalisation and risk management is vital to TMCs' survival.
If you would like access to all the expert views and analysis on these topics, download our eBook here.