Why is Flexible Travel Document Delivery So Important to TMCs?
Posted by Mike Atherton on 05 November, 2019
The modern corporate traveler is a discerning individual. Simply having access to important information — flight status notifications, hotel booking documentation, security alerts, extreme weather warnings, local traffic conditions, emergency contact numbers — isn’t enough.
"Why" is due to a combination of disruptive technologies and uncertainties surrounding the global geopolitical climate. These factors have fundamentally changed the way we travel. From difficulties managing the overwhelming amount of information travelers receive over the course of the average business trip, to the proliferation of mobile technologies and the rise of the app economy, corporate travelers demand flexible, personalized, technologically-astute solutions to the problems they face.
This places additional pressure on travel management companies (TMCs). Not just for the benefit of the individual traveler, but to alleviate the administrative headaches that have traditionally been part and parcel of their job.
Personalizing the Experience
Different clients have different expectations when it comes to corporate travel.
If the purpose of the trip is to secure investment from a venture capitalist, up-to-the-minute information on local traffic and weather conditions will be far more valuable; helping them sidestep potential disruptions that might otherwise make them late for that all-important meeting. By contrast, those traveling to higher-risk destinations will prioritize real-time security updates over proximity to five-star restaurants or tourist hotspots.
Achieving this level of personalization via traditional methods, however, can be something of a nightmare for TMCs. Parsing data manually (via a basic Excel spreadsheet or Word document) is time-consuming and prone to human error. And this makes delivering relevant information as and when it’s needed far trickier.
Document delivery systems should, therefore, consider the way in which information is distributed.
Automation is key in this regard. First and foremost, it enables TMCs to set up specific rules for the distribution of vital information — at any time of the day or night. This includes flight status updates, traffic delays, and unforeseen changes to hotel bookings. Similarly, real-time health and security alerts allow front-line travelers to avoid potentially dangerous situations, keeping them safe and secure during visits to high-risk destinations.
Crucially, this information is sent directly to the traveler’s preferred device, giving them instant access to everything they need to enjoy a safe and productive trip, no matter where they are in the world.
From the TMC’s perspective, the ability to personalize the distribution of information in this way relieves the administrative burden placed upon them. Not only that, but, by unifying the presentation of documentation, it improves the consistency of materials, raise brand awareness, and deliver targeted promotions directly to the client. All of which helps them stand out from their competitors.
Consolidated Documentation
Information is central to the smooth running of any business trip. Without access to reliable train and flight departure updates, something as simple as reaching a destination on time becomes problematic. Likewise, updating complex schedules to compensate for sudden changes is difficult if the traveler is unable to access their itinerary quickly and easily.
Moreover, given the sheer amount of choice open to travelers —flights, hotels, food, entertainment — keeping track of the varied aspects of a normal business trip often forces them to navigate several apps and distribution systems simultaneously. Something that even seasoned travelers struggle with. And this makes locating information far more difficult and time-consuming than it should be.
For these reasons, the most successful TMCs don't just tailor the distribution of information to meet the needs of each individual client. They strive to consolidate travel documents (which often originate from multiple sources and platforms) into a single, centralized hub. One that gives the traveler a bird’s-eye view of their itinerary, without compromising on the accuracy or quality of the information at their disposal.
As well as alleviating much of the stress that comes with corporate travel, ensuring corporate travelers aren’t overwhelmed by reams of poorly organized information, it simplifies the process of distributing information for the TMC. Everything is delivered to a single location in a consistent format, saving them the bother of reconfiguring data sets to fit within the conflicting parameters of disparate applications.
It also helps them keep their clients legally compliant. If information is available from a single platform, companies can fulfill their duty of care and maintain compliance. Employees, meanwhile, can’t use ignorance as an excuse should they fail to adhere to established corporate travel policy.
Simplifying Business Travel
Tailoring the way information is delivered to corporate clients and consolidating it within a single, centralized hub benefits both front-line traveler and TMC.
The former enjoys a seamless, friction-free trip, secure in the knowledge that everything they need is accessible directly from their preferred device. The latter is freed from much of the administrative busywork that makes business travel so challenging to coordinate.
For more information on travel document delivery and how a consolidated, personalized approach can streamline and improve your TMC’s service offering, download a free copy of our dedicated travel document delivery whitepaper today.